Labour Advice and Dispute Resolution Centre

IR Services are provided by our qualified and experienced Industrial Relations Consultant who proactively seeks to mitigate risks within your business and reduce conflict as well as add value to business operations by implementing practical solutions that assist management in coping with Labor legislation requirements.
Ensures the effectiveness of management intervention in the handling of misconduct in the workplace by making sure that the correct processes and procedures are followed and providing sound guidance and representation for disciplinary actions and grievances.
Also provides customized training to suit your needs on all aspects of Initiating Disciplinary Hearings. We offer our services on an ad-hoc or on a retainer basis.
Labour Advice offers Skype or Hangout Consultations and Disciplinary Hearings, at a fraction of the cost of a face to face hearing or consultation.
Moving you from uncertainty to practical solutions.
Solutions to labour law requirements. The correct information will:
Help you to stay on the right side of the Labour law.
Eliminate the confusion.
Provide practical solutions.
Assist you in putting everything in place.
We have qualified labour advice consultants who are experts in their field.
Labour Advice and Dispute Resolution Centre ( LADRC )
Representation for disciplinary actions and grievances.
Private Arbitrations, Mediations & Facilitations.
Labour Advice
Did you know that there is a less costly and time consuming way to obtain a Divorce? It is common knowledge that litigated divorces are expensive and take years in some cases, and often leaves one party walking away frustrated and bitter and in a losing situation. Mediations on the other hand, are quick and efficient without cumbersome procedural agreements allowing for a win-win situation as opposed to a lose – lose scenario, one of the reasons being that the parties are in control of the outcome, thereby, eliminating the risk of having an outcome imposed upon them by a third party. How does Mediation differ from a court process one asks? In mediation the two parties work towards an agreement with the assistance of a third party, taking into account the parties under lying interests and needs. Litigation on the other hand is a process in which the courts impose binding decisions on the disputing parties in a process operating at the level of legal rights and obligations, rather than the needs and interests of the parties.
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